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Friday, May 4, 2012

Drive-by Malware Targets Android

PCWorld is reporting the first instance of drive-by malware for the Android operating system.  Drive-by malware is malware that installs itself just by visiting a website, without having to click on anything on the webpage and without having to download or install anything.  It's the most dangerous type of malware because it requires no action by the end-user to get infected.  This is the first reported case of drive-by malware targeting the Android operating system.  Drive-by malware for windows has been around for a while.

This specific malware is called "NotCompatible" and is a trojan that can be used by hackers to use the Android device as a relay point to break into secure networks or uses the device as a proxy.

This latest form of malware is a good reminder that all devices need to be protected, and coincides with Blue Coat's announcement this week of K9 for Android.  K9 is Blue Coat's free, home-use web filtering software.  Blue Coat already offers K9 for iOS, Windows and MacOS.

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