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Saturday, April 11, 2009

McAfee slaps brand on Secure Computing products

For those of you keeping up on the acquisition news, McAfee's recent purchase of Secure Computing has finally moved down to the product lines. Some Secure partners were sent notice of it this past week, and informed of the changes in naming of the Secure products. SearchITChannel blogged about these changes:

So, say goodbye to IronMail and hello to McAfee Email Gateway.

So long Webwasher; hey to McAfee Web Gateway.

Sayonara to Sidewinder and howdy to McAfee Firewall Enterprise.


Securify morphs into McAfee User Behavior Analysis. SnapGear is now McAfee UTM Firewall. Secure Web SmartFilter is now just McAfee SmartFilter.

SearchITChannel's writer seemed a little concerned that something was being lost in the renaming, and the new names do seem to lose Secure's identity. But maybe that's the point, as they're now McAfee.

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