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Thursday, January 28, 2010

‘We Have to Work Together’ to Fight Cyber Crime says McAfee CEO

From: http://www.thenewnewinternet.com/2010/01/27/we-have-to-work-together-to-fight-cyber-crime-says-mcafee-ceo/

Dave DeWalt, president and CEO of McAfee, has called for the formation of an international framework to combat the growing threat from cyber crime according to a CRN article. While traveling to the World Economic Forum, where DeWalt will speak on the need to protect critical infrastructure, DeWalt briefly stopped in London and discussed the need for international cooperation to fight cyber crime.

DeWalt discussed the growing threat against governments and companies from cyber criminals and state sponsored cyber attacks which are “creating an atmosphere of war online.”

“Unfortunately, we do not have a global framework in which we can solve these problems,” said DeWalt. “There is no World Health Organisation for cyber-crime or cyber-warfare, like there is for viruses in the physical world.”

He discussed the need for greater cooperation, highlighting that no single company or government could effectively tackle this issue alone.

“Part of what I will talk about at the World Economic Forum is the need for a global governing body that helps resolve some of these crises we are seeing. One company like McAfee or one country like the UK cannot do it on its own – we have to work together,” DeWalt said.

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