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Monday, May 16, 2011

More Reports on Mac Malware

As Apple continues to gain marketshare (around 15% of the desktop market in the latest numbers), it's no surprise that there's more malware targeting Mac OS. While many Mac users feel innoculated from the widespread attacks of malware because of the OS they run, they should feel less safe now, with the introduction of the MacDefender virus and the Weyland-Yutani bot, both of which specifically target Mac users.

It's an inevitable outcome of the popularity of Apple, and probably only a small foreshadowing of the attacks to come on iOS, the operating system of the popular iPhone, iPod and iPad.

With fewer choices for security for Apple devices, it makes sense to have a organization wide web proxy or secure web gateway to block any threats coming from the web, specifically for those users on the organization's network. Unfortunately when those users are off the organization's network, they're generally on their own when it comes to web defense (unless you've installed a client based web protection application, like those offered by Blue Coat, Websense and others).

Web security for Macs is inevitable, and one aspect of your organization's security you'll probably want to investigate sooner rather than later.

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